The Guilt Free Burger

Happy Thursday! Sometimes when we have goals to eat clean, things can become redundant.  We get stuck with chicken and veggies every night for dinner.  I have something new for you (kind of)!  Although this recipe does involve basic ingredients like chicken and veggies, it’s nice to spice things up every once in a while ;). […]

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Happy Thursday!

Sometimes when we have goals to eat clean, things can become redundant.  We get stuck with chicken and veggies every night for dinner.  I have something new for you (kind of)!  Although this recipe does involve basic ingredients like chicken and veggies, it’s nice to spice things up every once in a while ;).  Introducing Jalapeno Chicken Burgers!  They are easy and delicious.  They also make great left overs!


vie recipe


1/4 cups Chop cilantro, Fresh
1 1/2 lbs Ground chicken


2 tsp Jalapeno, seed and dice
2 tsp Mince garlic, cloves
2/3 cups Onion, White

— Spices—

1 tsp Paprika
1 tsp Red pepper flakes

— Seeds—

1 tsp Cumin

Have some fun with this recipe.  You can use a bun or my personal preference- a lettuce wrap.  I double the cilantro and the jalapeno..and the onions…okay, I think I double just about everything.  Still, it’s good either way!  I dare you to try it and not like it.

xo, vie

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  1. Jessica Liberal says:

    Yum! Totally going to try this! Thank you!