
  loyal, observant, generous —    We first met Janice over a year ago when Vie first opened. As per her usual, she walked into class ten minutes early, quietly took note of all the details, and said thank you at the end of her workout. Nothing has changed since then…well, almost. We have grown […]

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loyal, observant, generous

janice rock climbing  janice handstand

We first met Janice over a year ago when Vie first opened. As per her usual, she walked into class ten minutes early, quietly took note of all the details, and said thank you at the end of her workout. Nothing has changed since then…well, almost. We have grown to love and appreciate this woman, and have had the privilege of watching her become fierce and strong.

Janice is a devoted mother, a giver, an artist, and a loyal friend. Her kids come first, always. They happen to be one of the main motivators behind her workouts. When not at Vie, you can find her on a basketball court for her oldest son and the swimming pool for her youngest. You don’t need to talk to Janice to sense determination. She radiates it. She is a woman on a mission, and we are just happy to be along for the ride. Janice, thank you for believing and trusting in us. We value what you bring to the Vie community! Thank you for inspiring others with your work ethic and generosity. You represent strength and sisterhood. We love you!


♥ How long have you been a member at Vie?

Over a year now.

What does Vie mean to you?

It really does mean strength and sisterhood. I have met so many amazing women that push and motivate me. It has also allowed me to put myself first for a change. I can focus on being the healthiest and strongest version of me, which also makes me a better wife and mom.

How has Vie made an impact on your life?

Vie has given me new found confidence and my passion for fitness I had when I was a swimmer. Vie is addicting, but its a good addiction to have!

♥ What music gets you pumped for a workout?

I love all music, old school hip hop and rap for sure!

♥ What thoughts run through your mind during a workout?

I can be terrible at counting, so it would have to be…Oh dear! What number am I on?

♥ What motivates you to get to Vie every day? 

I love seeing and working out with the 5:30am girls! I also want to be able to keep up with my two boys and challenge them as they get older.


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