Empower Yourself to Change

♥Hello Dolls♥ Let’s talk about your health. In the gym we focus on our activity level and performance. This is only half the battle. Actually, to be honest, it’s not even half. What you are doing and eating the other 23 hours of the day outside of Vie’s doors can make or break your dream goals. […]

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♥Hello Dolls♥

Let’s talk about your health. In the gym we focus on our activity level and performance. This is only half the battle. Actually, to be honest, it’s not even half. What you are doing and eating the other 23 hours of the day outside of Vie’s doors can make or break your dream goals. Some of you might be thinking, “I have been working out, but I don’t feel or look any different.” Does this resonate with anyone? I am pretty sure we have all been in this exact predicament. I am going to be honest with you- purposeful exercise alone, while marginally better than nothing, never seems to produce the maximum results people are looking for. Don’t get me wrong, it does help, but at Vie we want more for you. We want the best for your life and for you to reach that goal you never thought possible! Yes, some of us have some genetic limitations, however all of us can still improve our health, lose fat, and/or gain muscle by getting good advice and then implementing it. I have some good news for you- YOU HAVE THE POWER TO BE WHATEVER YOU WANT TO BE.   You control what you do and what you eat- not your kids, schedule, relationships, or feelings. YOU have the power. Don’t give that away.

Here is what our focus is in regards to your physical health: performance, health, and body composition. Focusing strictly on any one goal could become a problem. Is it possible for someone to eat really well and have a “perfect” diet yet be overweight, tired, and experiencing lifestyle-related diseases? The tough love answer is no. This isn’t meant to scare or shame anyone. We love you and want you to take control of your life.  You have no bigger fans than the coaches at Vie. I am going to give you a simple equation that will help you cut out limiting factors and help you reach your goals:

Purposeful exercise + increased general physical activity + nutritional control = Goal you

For those of you who see this equation and like the way it sounds, but don’t know what “good nutrition” is or don’t feel you have embraced all three angles- come talk to a coach. Tell them your goals and your frustrations. Let us help you remove your limiting factors and establish good habits. That’s why we encourage you to come to workouts, get outside on walks/runs and log your food intake in our Viegirl Diaries. We want to help, but more importantly, we want you to help yourself. You are so incredibly capable. Start embracing this empowering mindset and reap the benefits of a rich and healthy lifestyle. Vie means life, remember? It’s multifaceted. Let’s all work hard (in and outside of the gym), eat real food, be kind to others, do the right thing and take control of our decisions.

Love you all. See you at the home gym ;).

Xo, vie
ps. Bring a friend to the workout on Saturday and go to the farmer’s market across the street!

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