date night ideas

Easy & Fun Date Night Ideas

Life gets busy – that’s no secret! Can you remember when your last date night was? When you and your special someone had time to go out, do something fun, enjoy a little peace and quiet, and not have to worry about anything else at the same time? Maybe it was a few weeks ago, […]

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Life gets busy – that’s no secret!

Can you remember when your last date night was? When you and your special someone had time to go out, do something fun, enjoy a little peace and quiet, and not have to worry about anything else at the same time? Maybe it was a few weeks ago, a few months, or even a few years. Between the babysitter, the kids, finding the time, making sure you have an outfit, knowing where to go and what to do, date night can start to seem like a lot more work than reward. That’s why we’ve compiled our favorite date night (or day!) ideas for you and your loved one.

This post should be a nice reminder that date nights and quality time spent with your special person don’t have to be over the top, expensive, or complex! And if you have to bring the kiddos? They’ll probably have some fun too 🙂

PS – if we missed any that you want to share, please leave a comment, we’d love to hear!

Date Night (or Day!) Ideas That Don’t Break The Bank

Breakfast & A Bucket Of Balls

It’s summertime and that means the sun is out earlier and longer! Head to a new local breakfast spot and pop on over to a driving range when you’re done. Hitting balls for fun is a lot more cost-effective (and probably more fun!) than a round of golf, especially if you’re a beginner to the game. You can download the Couples Scramble Score Card from the Dating Divas, too!  Did we mention less time-consuming? If the kids are in tow, head over to a mini golf park for a family date.

Go for a Run to Your Favorite Eatery (or Brewery)

Exercise and food/drinks? Talk about winning! Pick a day that you’ll both be comfortable running together and don’t worry about the sweat dripping. The idea here is to put something comfortable on, leave the headphones at home, and get some new scenery with your love. Slow down the pace – it’s no competition and we can honestly say if you find yourself getting too competitive when you run together, it’s not going to be fun (personal experience, ha!). Running/jogging dates are convenient can be done anywhere, and if the run goes poorly you’re in luck – there are food and drinks at the end of the rainbow!

Do a 5k or Fun-Run Together

This one might be a for the more into-it runners, but signing up for a 5-k or Color Run might be a great way to get out of the house, head to a new destination, and have something to do with a group of people. I mean, who wouldn’t enjoy getting paint thrown on them at various checkpoints with their favorite couple friends?! Upcoming races in the state of Washington can be viewed here.

Scavenger Hunt

This one may, or may not, be a little more involved than other ideas on this list. Nonetheless, we’ve got you covered with a comprehensive (and easy!) guide to making the Coolest Treasure Hunt Map Ever! This could even turn into a family outing or annual event, depending on how crafty you are ;). If planning this isn’t something you’re into, the Urban Adventure Quest has turned your local city into a game board – for $49 per person you can embark on a 2 mile, 19 challenge, 2.5-3 hour date in Seattle!

Take a Drive

Sounds boring? Think again! We live in one of the most beautiful states in the country and incredible destinations are all within your reach. From the Olympic National Park to the North Cascades, city life in Seattle to Portland, the options are endless. Pack up some tasty snacks, bring the sunnies, don’t forget the camera and head out on your way? Our pro tip – try to pick a time/day where you’re not going to run into the dreaded traffic.

Fitness During Commercials

We like to call this one the couch potato workout! Not feeling up to a big adventure? No problem. A full body workout can be done at every commercial break and it’s a great way to break a sweat, get a little competitive, and have some fun between episodes of your favorite shows. Fitness Magazine has lined out their favorite Quick Exercises To Do During Commercial Breaks for some ideas.

Shoot Arrows/Archery

Whether you’re new to archery or an avid enthusiast, places like Next Step Archery in Mountlake, has USA Archery certified staff will help foster your enjoyment and skill of the sport. Archery is one of the fastest growing sports activities! Whether you’re looking for a fun family activity, first date night or are interested in becoming a local or world competitor in archery, they offer a blend of skill-building exercises, games, and video analysis for all to enjoy. Their programs specialize in archery activities for a range of ages (7-100) and experience levels (beginner to advanced). Not to mention, your partner is going to think you’re super creative for coming up with this one!

Big Game Park

While big game parks are more like zoos featuring local wildlife, they’re definitely a fun adventure to get up and close to animals you probably wouldn’t allow as house pets! Whether it’s a date with your love or a whole family date, there’s enough space and things to look at that nobody will get bored. Locally, there’s a Drive Through Safari & Petting Zoo in Sequim, WA and the Northwest Trek Wildlife Park in Eatonville, WA, complete with animals, zip lines, and scrumptious snacks.

Visit the Zoo

If you’re looking to get a little wild in a more controlled environment than driving by a herd of bison and bears, look no further than the Zoo. With cotton candy for the kids and adult beverages for the adults, the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium or Debbie Doolittle’s Indoor Petting Zoo has plenty to see, do, and consume. Make sure to take some photos in one of the little print-out photo booths and head to a special feeding session of some wild animals! You can never be too old for the zoo, you know 😉

Lay in a Hammock

How much more simple can it get OR romantic!? I mean, as long as the kids and the dogs aren’t running up to you, pushing you out, crying, and screaming while they play tag under the hammock. If you’ve got the room, a hammock might be a worthy weekend investment from Costco – you don’t need a lot of time, you just have to make the time. Heck, you could even put the kids to bed and head out to lay together and look at the stars. It doesn’t take much time, just takes a little remembering that it’s out in the yard, and you’ve got a date *moment* anytime, day or night!

Plant a Garden or Some Flowers

Okay, maybe not yard work, but some little crafty gardening moments can go a long way! Make time together to walk around the outside of the house and dream a little. Where could a little bundle of colorful flowers go? Or a new flowering bush? Take a trip to the local nursery with some coffee in hand and get to know each other on a different level. Guys love flowers too you know, and you might be surprised to find out which ones your hubby likes, and doesn’t like!

Grab a Juice, Boba Tea, or Coffee, and Ditch Your Phones

Yep! You heard us! Ditch the phones! Freedom at last! No, but really, something as simple as putting the phones down and focusing on each other at your local juice shop, tea shop, or coffee house can be extremely… liberating. Maybe it’ll remind you of earlier times or bring you to the present, but whatever it is, can be special.

Batting Cages

Our biggest tip here? Dress for the occasion and prepare yourself for things flying very fast through the air. You don’t have to be great to do it, but you might get a little nervous, and that’s completely okay! While your partner might be slugging away at some fastly arriving baseballs, you might need to turn the speed down or have him get behind you to show you how to actually swing. Keep that elbow up, wear your hair in a pony or braid, keep your eye on the ball and have some fun already!

Walk the Dogs (or Cats?)

Seems like a mundane daily task, taking the dogs out to poop, but you can spice it up by asking your hubs to go out on a walk with you! It’s a nice breather at the end of the day or before the day has even begun. Get some fresh air, smell the roses, and pick up poop. It’s more romantic then you might think – we promise!

Roller Skating

Whether it’s your first date or your hundredth date, roller skating is a BALL! It’s eventful, the kids can go on the other side of the rink, there’s fanfare and laughs all around. Did we mention it’s affordable and probably not something you do all the time?!

Bake a Treat (Cookies, Cake, Scones, Pie)

Mmm… treats! Making something together can be fun. While one person can mix the dough the other can put in ingredients, and better yet, by the end, you’re going to have something delicious (if all goes well, ha!). If you’re not into baking, try making dinner together. Not every night needs to be rushed – getting in the kitchen together to create something can be light-hearted, productive, and romantic. Win! Our tip? Set out to make or bake a dish that you’ve never made before. Adds a little exploration element.

Learn How to Dance Together

In need of some one-on-one time to spice things up!? Take some dancing lessons! There are all types of different dancing styles and they certainly will keep things interesting. From the Cha Cha to the Cumbia, the Forró and the East Coast Swing, you might discover a passion for dancing that you never knew (either of you) had before!

Rent Bikes

Bicycles have literally taken over Seattle and for a good reason – they’re a blast! Head on up to the city and get a different view from the streets without all the hassle of walking. Our recommendations on places and spaces to rent bikes comes from this Yelp Page – The 10 Best Bike Rentals in Seattle, WA.

Rent Paddle Boards/Kayaks

You’re in luck with this one – Washington is FULL of water and you have plenty of opportunities to get into it. Whether it’s jumping in for the first time into the South Sound, kayaking on Lake Chelan, deep sea boating (for the more adventurous) or simply sitting on the rocky shores, water is a great place to have a date. Bring a frisbee, foam football, or floaties, kick back and relax… together.

Wine Tasting

Believe it or not, wine tasting doesn’t have to be some extravagant and expensive trip to the valley. Washington is home to some of the best wines in the world and they’re even in your neighborhood! Simply pull up local wine bars on Yelp and head in for a flight tasting. Order a cheese plate (or some places let you bring your own) and pretend you’re on the coast of Italy, in your very own backyard! Better yet? Find one close enough to walk from your house.

Group Date Night

Lastly, don’t forget how fun it could be to organize a date night. You’ve been working hard, child rearing, and you need a break to just, ahh, relax. Well, guess what? So do your fellow family friends! Plan a night about a month in advance to get the gals and pals together for some food and drinks or plan a light-hearted activity like the ones we mentioned in this list. You’ll make memories, laugh hard, and feel relaxed and ready to take on whatever life throws at you next.


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  1. Clinton says:

    Good content, informative and helpful.