Hello Darling…
As we are getting closer and closer to the new year I want us to start getting in the mind set of being intentional. It’s romantic to think that once January 1st hits we will be changed women. We are known for our super human multi-tasking, but is it really that effective? Don Draper said one of my favorite quotes of all time,” Make it simple, but significant.” This means living our lives with intention. Yes yes, this logic might limit your New Years Eve goal list. You might not summit Mt. Rainer, run a marathon, quit eating sugar and learn French in the year of 2016, but what you do decide to focus on will lead to real change. What I am trying to say is do less with more focus. Here is my challenge to you (and don’t wait till January 1st!):
- Pick one physical goal– For example; your goal might be to exercise four days a week. Your goal might be to eat more veggies. Whatever it is, try to avoid broad goals like “lose weight”. Remember, be intentional. Make a plan and stick to it.
- Pick one mental/internal goal– We have said it before and will say it again, if health were just about looking good it would be easy. What goes on in that head of yours is just as important as how much you can lift or how fast you can run. Maybe this goal will address your work habits. You might need to rest one day a week and dedicate a day to napping. Maybe you would like to focus on continuing your education. Make sure to make time for your internal health. It will make a world of difference.
- Pick one selfless goal– This goal is my favorite and the hardest one to do at times. Every day is full of opportunities to be a friend to someone else. We need to take more time to care. Our words and actions are meant to heal, not wound. Your goal might be to follow through with your commitments. This looks like going to that party when all you want to do is put on pajamas and watch Netflix. The beautiful thing about this goal is that you can be creative with it! Someone out there will appreciate that you took the time to be intentional with him or her. It’s a lovely and rare gift that few ever receive.
—“Guard your time fiercely. Be generous with it, but be intentional about it.” – David Duchemin—
So, to sum up your goal homework- pick a physical, internal and selfless goal. Take care of your mind, body and soul. Spoil those around you with consistent attention and love. Pretty easy right ;).
xo, vie
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